Wednesday, 23 March 2016

EdTech: Google Hangout in the Classroom

While many of us use Google Apps for Education (GAFE) it seems many have skimmed over the usefulness of Google Hangout - I know I sure have.

My wife brought Google Hangout to my attention after Prime Minister Trudeau used Google Hangout to talk to High School students across the country after being sworn in as Prime Minister in November of 2015.

Prime Minister Trudeau, a former teacher himself, even used Periscope to stream the ceremony live to classrooms accords the country.  Trudeau and his team are not amateurs when it comes to digital media.

So after seeing the Prime Minister use this free google service I had to check it out.

So what is Google Hangout? 

Hangouts allows users to have voice and video conversations from your computer. The plugin is free and installs in seconds. You can call anyone with an email account, a microphone, and/or webcam (the webcam is needed if you want a visual). 

Icon of video calls
Talk face-to-face from your computer
Make free video calls with up to 10 people.
Icon of mobile device
Connect from any device
Start and join video calls from your computer, smartphone or tablet. Learn more
Icon of Email
Start a video call in Gmail
Instantly go from an email conversation to a group video call.

Hangouts even allows you to make phone calls to anyone in Canada and the US; the majority of the time for free - and international calls can be connected for extreamly low rates (rates varies; so I will not get into details here) 

Hangouts has a downloadable app for Android, iOS and Google Chrome so you don't always have to open the URL. 

So when will you as a Teacher use Google Hangouts? 

  • Guest Speakers: Hangout can allow you to connect with Guest Speakers around the world - no need to bring someone in to the city; and worry about cost coverage. Chris Hadfield has used similar services to talk to students across the country, and around the world. Just imagine; with Google Hangout, your guest speaker list can grow exponentially. 
  • Conference with Students while Sick or on Vacation: Many students and parents ask teachers for work while they are on ill or on vacation. In most cases teachers often send work home for ill students and don't bother sending work on vacation (it's not going to get done); but with Hangouts you can actually speak with a student face to face; to make sure they understand the lessons that occur while they are away. 
  • Why phone home when you can Hangout Home? The best part about Parent-Teacher interviews is reading body language and actually getting to know the other people. Hangout allows you to do this without actually meeting face to face. For struggling students, this could be a huge help; being able to speak to parents and the student together. 
  • Broadcast and Archive conversations; hangouts lets you record and save a session. You can use it live for your current class; and replay it for future classes. (This requires the Hangout's on Air add on) 
  • Virtual Book Clubs: Most classroom learning takes place with peers within the four walls of your classroom. Hangout can allow your students to connect with other students studying the same texts. (This does take a fair amount of planning) 
  • External/Expert Audiences for Student Presentations. A guest speaker is one thing, but what about inviting guest audiences to student presentations. Research has show that students perform better when creating work for an authentic audience (Sorry teachers - we tend not to count) Invite industry experts/leaders to be guest audience members to student presentations; and allow them to interact and ask  your students questions based on their presentations.