Wednesday, 10 February 2016

EdTech Resource: Capacity Building Series

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EdTech Resource: Capacity Building Series

Alright...I will be honest. This resources is less EdTech than numerous PDF publications by the Ministry of Education of Ontario. Why is it here then? Because it is a great resource for teacher who are looking to become better educators, and built the capacity of their classroom and their school community as a whole. 

As an educator, and currently registered Ontario Certified Teacher, I made a pledge to continue my learning throughout my life. This life-long learner's pledge is something every teacher makes - because if we, the teacher do not continue to learn, we cannot adequately teach tomorrows youth. 

The Capacity Building Series clearly outlines different Professional Learning Committee (PLC) learning, findings and suggestions for what you can be doing in your school community. 

This ongoing publication, since 2007, continues to grow. So check back often to see what new updates are currently available.

Is your school located in a region that has a higher percentage of teenage parents? Are you looking for ways to continue to support them and keep them on track in their learning? If so, take a look at the most recent, September 2015 Special Edition - Supporting Teenage and Single Parent Learners to Complete High School. The series has a massive span of topics; from overreaching general ideas to specifics like the September Special Edition listed above. 

What about figuring out the technicalities of Inquiry and Collaborative based learning - the Capacity Building Series is a magnificent resource for learning about new and inquisitive ways to teach and ensure your students are understanding your teaching. 

Think you have far too much on your plate to read yet another teaching publication? Think again! The vast majority of the articles published by the series are only a few pages in length, and make for short reading to help in your PD. 

The series covers far too many topics for me to go into detail in this single post ( I could actually probably manage a separate blog for the Capacity Building Series) - Take a look, and see for yourself. 

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